Sunday, March 14, 2010

Things are looking up...

Quote #7: "Ms. Broome, you make his heart smile." - JC This is just one of the many ridiculous quotes that come from my boys in my last period class. Three days prior these boys also serenaded "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" to me during class. This period used to be my worst and, don't get me wrong, some days they can really try my patience but the fact that these students want to come to class now, help out around my classroom, and are doing their work is a major achievement. It is just one of many things that have changed for the better in my classroom.

In all honesty, I have no idea what has really changed. Maybe I know the students better, maybe they know me better, my students might have matured a little, I might have relaxed a little bit, or maybe it's a combination of all the above. But, regardless, some extreme changes have occurred in my classroom and these changes are making my classroom even more fun for these last two months of school. The students that have always been great are still amazing and hard-working but the students who use to give me hell, for some unknown reason, have decided I am not half bad and just want to joke around with me as opposed to fight with me. I don't mean to boast, but I have become so popular with my students that I am finding it difficult to enforce lunch detention because my students like spending their lunch time with me; it is no longer a punishment!

These changes in my classroom have taught me a few things. Namely, that I should not get discouraged with my students because no matter where they begin in my class you never know where our relationship is going to be at the end of the year. I need to remember this for next year when I have to start building these relationships all over again but I am hoping that my next year students and I get to the place I am at right now a little before March. I have never doubted the role humor plays in the classroom but I have learned that kids just want to play around. I think that many of my students are under the impression that class time and fun are antonyms. However, the minute that they realize they can have fun while doing their work it completely alters their way of thinking and all of a sudden they will do whatever you ask them because they know, in some way, that it will be fun. Even if the activity or assignment isn't one of the most exciting (I mean, let's face it, something like word processing skills isn't incredibly enthralling) my students no longer give me trouble because we can joke around and have a good time doing something a little boring.

This year is wrapping up quite nicely! I can't wait for my students to be sophomores next year and to meet my newest group of freshmen!

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